2025 Story Arc

2025 is a pivotal year, holding the tension of necessary reactivity and maintenance of baseline protections with the tangible reality that another world is possible. Embracing this tension, we are pairing monthly Political Pedagogy with bimonthly Strategy Hours and leaning into thematic aspects of healthcare transformation. From March to December, we invite everyone – from the curious to the invested – to join us as we collectively learn and push to transform the landscape of health and healing in Minnesota.
Who are these for?
Unless otherwise stated, anyone is welcome to attend any of the Cooperative’s programming. All events can be enjoyed as a one-off experience or ongoing engagement.
March | Positional Healing: Exploring Positionality and Accountability
April | Land Healing: Environmental Justice and Healthcare
May | Narrative Healing: Resistance Poetry Within and Around Health
June | Queering Healing: Intersectional Approaches to Health
July | From Public Health to Public Healing: Justice and Disability Futurity
August | Future Healing: Actualizing Black Joy in Health
September | Lineage Healing: Ancestral Care in Health
October | Economic Healing: Capitalism and Health
November | Reparative Healing: Healthcare Reparations
December | Rest and Reconciliation
STRATEGY HOUR: What’s the buzz?
The top of the month starts with a virtual Strategy Hour as a drop-in time for folks from all backgrounds to collectively share and strategize about what is happening in their communities related to health and healing. Facilitation is minimal and organic. These are an action-oriented time to workshop ongoing issues and build relationships. Strategy Hours hold the necessary reactivity to counteract the reinvested violence of this moment.
POLITICAL PEDAGOGY: Another world is possible.
Political Pedagogy is then a facilitated time to hold the truth – that another world is possible. These two-hour hybrid sessions use joyful arts-based activities to tackle complex visioning in playful ways. Contrasting a classroom, sessions are curated as a collaborative workshop in the practice of a pedagogy that values the method of collective wisdom and processed learning. Each session asks participants to cultivate an action to bring back to their community as a method of dissemination and power building.
STRATEGY HOUR: There is more to care.
The second Strategy Hour is again a virtual drop-in time for folks from all backgrounds to collectively share and strategize about what is happening in their communities related to health and healing. Additionally, this is time for folks who attended Political Pedagogy to extend joy and action to address present and arising issues in the health and healing landscape.
QUARTERLY MEAL (March, June, September, December)
Let’s break bread.

Check out our newsletter for more information
Register for Strategy Hours
Register for Political Pedagogy