Join us in our second Political Pedagogy session of 2024!
April 24th 2-4pm
The session is hybrid!
3400 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55407 (masks required)
Link in registration
Carmen Bustamante and Yordi Solomone
From the movers...
We want to hold a space to talk about land, environmental justice, and positionality. The main goal of the session is to provide a collective storytelling-like session that lets folks reflect on responsibilities around land, closeness with place, and the nuances around settling, migration, and the way we engage with land. This is meant to be a generative space for co-creating context around the history and the role we have in our respective communities.
Both facilitators are not interested in posing as “experts”, as we expect everyone to show up with their own expertise of their lived experiences, as well as complex histories and thoughtfulness around land, EJ and so much more.